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think Bigrod's gonna hosp me again for breaking his chain at the top of the list? lol


Rank User Attacks
1 MOB BigRod 185

he is nearly close to Hosping 200 people all together lol hes gonna have half the population in there


hmmm... i think i get it now... mayb he's using up all his cash in-game and making one last show tonite before going inactive? either that or he's spending a lot from his credit card tonite and staying for a while longer
i'm pretty sure it's his last big show.
let me know if you get rehospitalized, i'm thinking about stimming out myself.


i'm actually helping to reach 200 ppl in hosp. i wanna get a screenshot of the hosp having over 200 players lol
how many people are in the hosp right now?
195 or so.
damn... gettin close. ok i'ma head off to bed g'nite
hopefully i'll see you around bigrod.
202 in there now.
Hospital (202)
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