I was talking to my fellow gang members and we were thinking that a good expansion to the game would be the addition of higher end courses that led to better job opportunities. We were thinking that a nice 60+ day course in law or medicine that had a high monetary cost, and a high stat/Energy cost but led to getting a really nice job that got you a good source of income would be a fantastic addition to the world. It wouldn't be unreasonable to have jobs that granted you 15k dollars a day if the cost to get them was high. And at least then job stats would have a point...right now all the jobs are kinda useless.
I couldn't agree more.
I know Zen wants this game to be realistic, and at the moment, set against the $200 or so the top jobs give you, $15k might seem excessive. But if you look at it closer, $15k is pretty fair per day for a lv 20+, it's just the equivalent of 10 or so 20AP+ crimes. I can make $15k in a day already doing 12AP crimes.
The stat gains are insane too... the only stats worth anything are the work stats you gain, and work XP/rep only relate to improving your job, they've got no 'real' benefit that I know of (rep maybe, but no idea yet). The increases on end and int are so minor as to be unnoticed. And the battle stat gains may as well be not there, you get the equivalent of 2 or 3EP per day from the top jobs.
Ok, so jobs are free, it's an added bonus, but once you get past lv 3 or 4, the bonus from them is SO tiny that it's virtually worthless- $200 a day (I'm only getting $83 right now) is a tiny amount. Not only that, but interest rates in bank means you get 0.00027% per day- in other words, that means for every 3650 you have in bank, you get 1 back per day. If you were crazy enough to have 1mil in bank, you'd get a whole 274 per day. Too high interest WOULD ruin the economy, but I don't think 1% would be too high- if you had 1mil in bank, you'd only get 10k a day, it's not an earth shattering amount. With the top house costing 80mil or so, it's simply an impossible task as it stands- having a challenge is great, I love it, but there's a limit...
yech jobs sucks now
i think they should give much more statistic and maybe have extra abilities like for example Cashier would be able to steal money Drive-Thru Attendant for example travel for free betvine districts, cooks rengenerate hp quicker and so on. Jobs like General Manager should be like drime come true for evry ciminals. think about embezzlements you would be able to do probably hundret thousands of dolars

i like all the ideas alot but for people like me that make barely 1 grand a day how hard wuld it be to catch up with the level 20+ if they were making a load of money from a job whereas im making about a grand then how would i be able to catch up with them. the only way i can think of is sleepless nights for weeks maybe months.
It's doable, because to catch up you need XP more than cash. And they've worked hard to reach lv 20, and need to work doubly hard to reach higher than that- I'd say giving some sort of cash bonus as you get higher is fair reward for that work. I'm levelling fast enough where I am, it's not that hard to catch up- but it'd be nice to know there's big rewards waiting there.
I don't think we'll be adding job ranks that pay out $5.5 million salary per year anytime soon. $15,000 per day is Metrowars, not Awakened Lands.
If we did do that, only a finite amount of players would be able to hold those positions at one time.
I'll agree, job stat gains are almost forgotten past a certain level, but we will have to revisit the entire job system once skills are implemented.
5.5 million eh, and in 14.5 years I can buy a palace? Look at the prices of things, it's not that unreasonable. Even jobs that paid 1 million a year would be better/reasonable. I do look forward to skills though.
We aren't actually meant to live in those high end houses, those are meant for people who drop a crapload of real world cash into the game.
ya koor, at the moment you are right. but that is bull. I will be the first to admit that I donate alot. but i havent donated near enough to get something like that. every house in the game should be atatinable at the very least for regular donators. not only the people who can sink $500 at one time into the game. 5.5 million a year from a job that requires a 2 or 3 month course that costs like 50 or 60 EP and 100k cash is NOT unrealistic for the prices in this game.
LuparKoor Wrote:We aren't actually meant to live in those high end houses, those are meant for people who drop a crapload of real world cash into the game.
They aren't exclusively for donators. Patience. Future levels will prove your current theory is incorrect.
The highest accessible house by any current player is the Midlan Villa, not the Palace. In fact, there is no palace. The Midlan Villa is priced at the upper end of access to the Midlan District. No one has this house yet. There are several other houses above this, but no one has access to them yet.
It doesn't matter how much someone donates, if they can't access the area a house is in, then they can't buy it. This puts more emphasis on time played than before. It's not perfect, but it is better than it was.
By the time someone is well established in the Midlan District (say 2/3rds the way to the next district), they probably will find it easy to purchase it WITHOUT donating.