2008.Aug.28, 11:37 AM
Pages: 1 2
2008.Aug.28, 12:46 PM
You know I like alot of theese ideas that come out but even I am reaching a limit where costs are really getting a bit out of hand for some thing here. It's most enjoyable game but maybe one day there could be a "no tax" day where we can get a cost break on how much some things cost. Kind of like the no tax day when you buy clothes for your kids without taxation. Anyhow I'm just rambling. Keep the ideas comming
2008.Aug.29, 08:10 AM
BlitzKrieg Wrote:Sounds like an additional boost for heavy donors.
Which might be a great Idea for Zen but not so great for the average player.
Therein lies the conundrum for zenith. Submit to the minority who help pay the bills or deny the idea based on popular opinion........
Which is the more righteous decision..........
2008.Aug.29, 08:13 AM
Loki Wrote:Boosting rep and hiring a better trainer is always an option.
At what levels of rep does the trainers improve.....?
2008.Aug.29, 08:15 AM
Every level of rep makes available a new trainer.
2008.Aug.29, 08:29 AM
Yeah. And the trainers aren't really worth it.
$1,400+ for 6 points of boost. 

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