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i think a good idea would be to add bullets to the game. Might be a little more costly for lower lvl players but i think it would make the game more realistic and change the way battles are a little. U run out of bullets ur screwed. Diffrent types of bullets do more damage- hollowtip,explosive, armor piercing... different areas have different bullet 4 sale. anyone agree? any good reasons y not?


Its been discussed before
I suggested this a long time ago and it was shot down. Zen said we would needed something for meleers then. I suggested new handles, grips, or stances and that was shot down too.



We would need different flavours for the Poptart Launcher too Biggrin


oh i see. i guess not then
I am totally for bullets! From there, pistols would be less usefull then machine guns.

WOuld be awesome to axe fight people that run out of bullets.


I'm not paying to use a gun that I bought
Coolmcoolieo Wrote:I'm not paying to use a gun that I bought
Well, you'd be in the hospital a lot then. Wink
You already pay ungodly prices for weapons. Neutral The least they can do is give you a life-time guarantee, and a life-time supply of ammo, with the sonbitch.
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