I'm getting an error that prevents me from buying anything on the items market:
Quote:Item purchases on the market are prohibited when the buyer and seller share similar IPs. If you feel you reached this message in error, please contact us in the Player Assistance forums.
Whoever is selling that item has used your ip before or vise versa.
It's not just that item. I can't buy most things on the item market.
i can help, i sent you igame mail reply if you want it

Thanks. I would rather have the problem fixed.
Email Zenith. She will help u out.
This problem is happen when you logged on in a public places or uses cell phone to go online.
Most Sprint Phone share the similar IP addresses. Verizon are the same too.. Its tough.
I'm just logged on at home. I do use my Blackberry sometimes, but, not in the last few days and not to buy stuff.
I've had this problem before too and I'm not sure why.
mahtareika Wrote:I'm just logged on at home. I do use my Blackberry sometimes, but, not in the last few days and not to buy stuff.
Even if you share an IP once, for whatever reason, it's logged. It doesn't matter how long it's been.
this issue sounds a little deeper than that though.
it is i have problems buying nimbus off the market almost daily