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Full Version: why the hell..
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Conrad1103 Wrote:are we suddenly losing an arse load of exp points when we lose a pvp attack on someone....but we dont win a boatload when someone attacks us and WE win?!

i just lost over 300! the same bastard will attack me and lose...and i will only win 60!

i think what he's saying is that this WOULD be the situation, not that it actually happened. and he's absolutely right! as i mentioned before, people who repeatedly stomp on me make me lose like 17-25 xp per battle, and then when they attack me and lose, i get 90 xp, or 75 xp. the most i've gottne is like 195, and that was a fluke. why is this? i mean, if someone who sucks butt attacks me, i should get peanuts, sure. but someone way stronger than me? come on now!
I wish the good old days were back. You'd attack and lose someone, lost a bunch of experience..When they attack you and lose, gain a bunch of experience..Sad
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