Hey everyone, I was just looking on wikipedia, and I saw no page for awakendlands. I was wondering if anyone wanted to create a page, as it looks like it is open. If it wasn't for school and homework, I definitely would. Just and idea. Make Awakenedlands known!
the title of "Biggest Nerd on AL" has been fought many times before. It will be fun to see who steps up to the plate this time to accept the award.
Maybe we can do tags for "Wikipedia Page Contributor"?
Wiki is strict about everything being referenced and whatnot. They even pulled the Wiki for a festy that's been going on quietly since 1999 because there aren't a bunch of articles written about it. Never mind the festy website, live recordings, youtubes, photo albums that exist.
I tried it when we started. I was banned because they looked at it as advertising. It was, but that's not the point lol.
I was banned from wiki last year. Aparantly deleting everything under "apple's page" and writing Apple is a fruit dumbdreks, isn't tolerated.
thatthingufear Wrote:I was banned from wiki last year. Aparantly deleting everything under "apple's page" and writing Apple is a fruit dumbdreks, isn't tolerated.
Apple computer? lol,
that's the problem with Wiki. People like to site it as truth but anyone can edit it no matter what their intent is.
We would always host our own wikipedia.
One of my work assignment was to create a wiki for my company. It should be fairly easy for us to implement one here.
Im willing to run a awakened lands wiki on wiki dot (wont be the best as im a newb to both) but with all of us helping and posting items and careers and such it could be very help full. I would like admin approval for it. In fact I shall start it and a thread for it.