2008.Nov.18, 09:17 PM
2008.Nov.18, 09:48 PM
Punisher Wrote:official
cost+travel+any tip...please cash only...no words of wisdom unless you are rl older than i
how old are you then?
2008.Nov.19, 01:23 AM
i think the delay on the lvl 60 weapons really hurt raf in his buisness venture...by the time they were released pun was close to 60 and raf's monopoly would soon crumble...if the weapons would have come out sooner,he might have actually made more than a few sales...i think the sell more for less mentality, was the one he should have chosen...i think he charged as much as he did cause he thought the demand would be great...pun is almost 60, so i guess raf's loss is al's gain...
2008.Nov.19, 03:37 AM
Hooray for weapons i wont be able to use for years 

2008.Nov.19, 05:56 AM
redz28 Wrote:i think the delay on the lvl 60 weapons really hurt raf in his buisness venture...by the time they were released pun was close to 60 and raf's monopoly would soon crumble...if the weapons would have come out sooner,he might have actually made more than a few sales...i think the sell more for less mentality, was the one he should have chosen...i think he charged as much as he did cause he thought the demand would be great...pun is almost 60, so i guess raf's loss is al's gain...
Wrong. If Raf wouldn't have charged such unreasonable prices, the weapons would have sold.
I would have bought for $150,000 markup after travel costs without the wait. But virtually doubling the price intitially? Ha
2008.Nov.19, 11:09 AM
Thor Wrote:You see, it's where all of you are wrong.
We, SV, do not do it to piss off others, we do not do it to be smart or loved or suckers or hated.
We sell at cost + travel because we are here to help. We've all been young and low level at 1 and we had higher levels help us when needed and we learned from them (more like him but anyway).
I've always sold anything at price + cost (both ways if I'm in a high district) but I rarely get demands. Pun does the same and whether the item is a level 60 or 22, it's only an item and we love to help.
Where you see potential profit and possibility to get yourself a little more ahead of the poor, we see kindness and possibility to help those little guys.
I'm lucky enough to be able to make 30-40-50 or even 75k in a day if I'm active enough and if I need money, I'll either be patient or drop 100$ in the game but not every1 can do that, it's why I always help for a minimum fee.
I dare any1 to challenge my honesty and good will in this and officially announces that I will always sell any item to any1 at cost + traveling fees both ways if asked when I'm online, in any district I can reach.
Diss knows about Diss and they care about Diss, it's who they are, I don't blame nor judge them but don't lie to yourself, they will just never change.
p.s. Let's all take a minute of silence to salute our fallen father, JoltinJoe who thought us so good so we could pay it forward to make this community better everyday.
i am not questioning your honesty and good will, but do you really think that selling items at cost+travel fees will make the community better? what do you think about...let's say mugging players after you buy the credits they have on the market posted anonymously as you could take advantage of the system until they have no money left to take?
2008.Nov.19, 11:19 AM
dont tell me this happened again...lmao...i bought a mill worth last night...did someone get lucky mugging....i told no one but zen...i bet shes to blame
2008.Nov.19, 11:22 AM
Punisher Wrote:dont tell me this happened again...lmao...i bought a mill worth last night...did someone get lucky mugging....i told no one but zen...i bet shes to blame
in that case we should fed jail zen! what do you think?
2008.Nov.19, 11:24 AM
Just ask Err he will do that for a bit of fun maybe lol.