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Full Version: Contest format idea
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Mock8800 Wrote:If you didn't take at c then your only hope is for the accuracy.

I like the idea but can we start posting ideas where they belong?

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"This forum is for your opinions and thoughts about Awakened Lands. Support, ideas and assistance should be posted in the their corresponding forums sections below."

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Shut up!
for once I agree with Rambo.

Chirstain ...shush


It seems people are only debating which strategies they would use.

The idea itself is brilliant Biggrin


Erm wow good idea man :shock:
I like it.

I was thinking something yesterday, too, Moriarty. I was thinkin' about asking of that Ares thing and pluckin' off turkeys all day, but that sounds better.


Sounds like fun
where do i sign up


My arse Biggrin

ive reserved the right cheek for Dirk


TommiTheTaco Wrote:I was thinking something yesterday
Really?!? :shock:

Sounds cool.


Thor Wrote:
TommiTheTaco Wrote:I was thinking something yesterday
Really?!? :shock:


Occasionally he does that. lol
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