Most top criminals love to see their name on the six o'clock news. this could be a way not only to keep people up todate about upcomming events LIKE GYMBOREE!

wahoo! but they could see reports about top crooks who are wanted by the police and the bounty placed. oh and the 7laws sports results, etc. is there a lottery?
I think there should be a once a day report on key events and up comming events By players for players.
Meh too much clutter.....
Personally, I would love to see a chronicled News, as opposed to only the updates done to the game.
Aqualung must be drinking again.
i think its an awesome idea, it would be a good way for people to keep up with the times in the game, coud have a few people working on it in different areas have their own section or something. could have someone talkng about general discussion topics, an off the wall speaker, the cronic complainer section, someone speaking on the underground gabling winners, who knows maybe even a fake weather report and what would a newspaper be without the quote of the day joke of the day and sexy centerfold of the day. and what ould a paper be without an editor.
good idea!
Shotokan Wrote:i think its an awesome idea, it would be a good way for people to keep up with the times in the game, coud have a few people working on it in different areas have their own section or something. could have someone talkng about general discussion topics, an off the wall speaker, the cronic complainer section, someone speaking on the underground gabling winners, who knows maybe even a fake weather report and what would a newspaper be without the quote of the day joke of the day and sexy centerfold of the day. and what ould a paper be without an editor.
good idea!
Sounds alot like something that should just have its own section in the forums with an admin instead of going to all this trouble of making it apart of the game. Or could maybe just make it a seperate section of the forums you can't get to except by clicking a link that would be called AL Newsroom etc that would be by the forums link in game. I just wonder why anyone would take all that time to update something like that unless you had a vested interest in it, which no one would but the sportsbook part of it
Contact Chade about this, I think he was toying with the idea of having something similar in the AL Wiki.