TommiTheTaco Wrote:I didn't misread at all. I just laid down the facts. Luck is luck. It'll be really hard to get lucky with 400+ people to choose from to mug and happen to hit the jackpot on one of them.
maybe so, but ive mugged a little over 200k off someone before, luckily i liked the person so i gave it them back, but if it would have been someone like you, i would have kept it

Yeah. You'll never get that lucky with me, though. ;D
Loki Wrote:That Sb-1 on the market is mine... Please buy and mug
I zerk ya = 150 damage
Malro zerks= 250 damage
Weebay zerks= 850 amage
Ush mugs ya . Kaching!!!!
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Yeah. You'll never get that lucky with me, though. ;D
i make my own luck

Tommi I'm not saying that one person in particular would be trying to mug the person that was selling something on the market I'm saying that out of the 1000 players that those 999 players could potentially mug at random to keep them from level and to get their happiness up and wine up mugging a player who doesn't know that their item was sold.
Quote:That Sb-1 on the market is mine... Please buy and mug
Don't worry Loki I don't like to mug players that don't really stand a chance against me.
Here's the answer everyone is trying to say to your suggestion/question.
biffbaffboff Wrote:I zerk ya = 150 damage
Malro zerks= 250 damage
Weebay zerks= 850 amage
Ush mugs ya . Kaching!!!!
Uh oh... Not USH!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: