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11/19/2008 18 0 18 100.0 % $24,762 $1,375.67 289 0

Crime Success Jailed Attempts Rate Cash Avg Exp Jail Time
Ponzi Scheme 17 0 17 100.0 % $23,384 $1,375.53 250 0
Decatur International Airport Security 1 0 1 100.0 % $1,378 $1,378.00 39 0

11/24/2008 10 0 10 100.0 % $13,095 $1,309.50 136 0

Crime Success Jailed Attempts Rate Cash Avg Exp Jail Time
Ponzi Scheme 9 0 9 100.0 % $12,500 $1,388.89 130 0
Police Surveillance 1 0 1 100.0 % $595 $595.00 6 0

October 2008 759 15 867 87.5 % $815,950 $941.12 8,495 3,641

Crime Success Jailed Attempts Rate Cash Avg Exp Jail Time

Steal a luxury car 1 0 1 100.0 % $601 $601.00 7 0
Steal a sports car 1 0 1 100.0 % $811 $811.00 9 0
Insurance Fraud 29 2 33 87.9 % $30,814 $933.76 187 472
Complex Meth Lab 1 0 1 100.0 % $966 $966.00 11 0
Ponzi Scheme 144 2 162 88.9 % $170,125 $1,050.15 1,668 549
Gang Surveillance 457 9 520 87.9 % $467,552 $899.14 4,552 2,099
Police Surveillance 44 0 51 86.3 % $50,555 $991.27 562 0
Decatur International Airport Security 29 1 41 70.7 % $34,549 $842.66 938 230
Forgery 53 1 57 93.0 % $59,977 $1,052.23 562 291

Work Attribute Natural Modifier Rating Rank Dev Points Required

Intelligence 7 0 7 465 136.85 320

Battle Attribute Natural Modifier Rating Rank Dev Points Required

Dexterity 28 0 28 173 147.22 4,205

Level 40. :roll:


hardasgranite Wrote:Not true I pull it off........I must be the

You average around 90% for it? That's the definition of pulling off a crime.

I could do airport security in the mid 20's, but my average for them was still in the 60's until level 35 or so.
iceman2020 Wrote:
hardasgranite Wrote:Not true I pull it off........I must be the

You average around 90% for it? That's the definition of pulling off a crime.

I could do airport security in the mid 20's, but my average for them was still in the 60's until level 35 or so.

I wouldn't agree more.

Pulling off a crime is to get an average of 85%+ for the whole month.

Gang Surveillance

11/19/2008 50 1 56 89.3 % $50,676 $904.93 555 255
11/20/2008 59 2 71 83.1 % $62,594 $881.61 652 414
11/21/2008 59 2 68 86.8 % $57,905 $851.54 568 433
11/22/2008 49 0 59 83.1 % $48,406 $820.44 593 0
11/23/2008 61 1 64 95.3 % $64,638 $1,009.97 711 244
11/24/2008 54 2 59 91.5 % $53,741 $910.86 526 399
11/25/2008 54 2 62 87.1 % $57,613 $929.24 542 449


TriadBoy Wrote:ITS FUNNY HOW DwightMcCarthy 11516 has the cheek to answer my question about money when he has SCAMMED over 330k FROM ME LAST WEEK!... stop egnoring my mails and jus pay up before you get yourself banned

It was 327 even. I know your math skills are prolly as bad as your English but it's an easy number to look up?


Even now he tries to scam another 3k lol lol


biffbaffboff Wrote:Even now he tries to scam another 3k lol lol



biffbaffboff Wrote:Even now he tries to scam another 3k lol lol
that bastid!
THANKS for scamming me! lol, not only have i been sent the money with abit of interest, but some other person (can not say) has sent me the SIC armor and helmet aswell for FREE!, so i made the armor helmet and about 20k on this week, anyway im not going to use the forum anymore and ive asked zen to take away my privlges to post so its been nice while it lasted but i gotta go, have fun talking trush about me haters!, and thanks for making this all possible yippieeeeeeeeeeee! THERE IS JUSTICE HERE IN AL AFTER ALL, crime doesnt pay, lol lol lol Razz :wink:
oh!, good bye... forever
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