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Full Version: what's cooking???
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i did
i was just hopeing someone knows more about this(mabe err will read this topis cause i don't want to bug him with a mail)


Err is lazy only jokeing man he is very helpful never gets annoyed with mails.


Wow, back when I played kings of chaos, the players were happy to hear from the admins 4 times a year.

Now we have a topic because it's been one day.


Ice and Dirk follow me Biggrin :oops:


i thought her name was self explanatory,,maybe it needs to be said slower for the simple folk...she has left cause of fire


dont they have like 3 wildfires going now.?


nah its no biggie,,just a few thousand acres on fire,burning homes and people....zen should have stayed in the blaze so she wouldnt be offline for a day
redz28 Wrote:nah its no biggie,,just a few thousand acres on fire,burning homes and people....zen should have stayed in the blaze so she wouldnt be offline for a day

This is nashpa.....


Where we going SK :?
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