Hope you found the cats in good condition.
Level 60 items on the way.Welcome back man.
That's all Biff cares about. Level 60 items. :roll: Go home with your level 60 items.

TommiTheTaco Wrote:That's all Biff cares about. Level 60 items. :roll: Go home with your level 60 items. 
I am offended bro.Raf knows he means more than just items.Ask him about when he was level 49 0.o
I'm kidding. But you do mention the level 60 items EVERY time you post about him..Make me wonder about you, Bifficus..
glad you decided to return bro
Druchii Wrote:He recovered from his depression after recovering 11 of the cats through the polish cat club.
Maybe I missed an update... what happened to the 12th cat?