Mock8800 Wrote:Love your neighbor as your self. Romans 13:7
Do unto others as you would have them do to you.
If a man slaps you in the face offer him the other cheek.
Do not repay evil for evil.
These are versus from the bible. They all apply here. So no matter what your motive is for the deed. Remember that your don't become the hero, but you become the villain.
Oh please this coming from someone playing a gang violence game with hospitalizations and crime....LOL hypocrite writing
lol, I was gonna point that out.
Beyond that the Bible is a book full of violence and retaliation, but I'll leave it there, religious stuff is meaningless here.
Honouring your siggy Mace?

mortaja Wrote:Honouring your siggy Mace? 
I have been informed before that my siggy is blasphemous, lol!

i say hosp the bible quoter,,mock8800!!!
no need for peace quotes in a place were violence rules,crimes does pay and gangs are a good thing...
I don't know the full details of the transaction, but I do know Triadboy did send a bunch of cash to DwightMcCarthy and never got anything in return. If he sent cash to someone I feel he should get what he paid for.
Please read the following topics about scamming.
Scam again
Scam yet again
Oh wow another Scam