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Full Version: Gonna be awhile for the level 60 district
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rafal you know you want to stay...your so close....its been fun though


Raf is a freak of nature and a nut for this game. I'm sure he wouldn't walk away unless some very serious situation required his attention in RL.

Hope all is OK. AL will not be the same with out that Polish factory churning out the attacks 24/7.

Good luck, Raf.


Best of luck Raf.
If you want to stay in an area where we can attack you, I'll sacrifice myself
once in a while so you can get a few 20 xp here and there. We'll make you reach lvl 60, want it or not.
Real sorry to see you leave, you are shining example that time and hard work is alot more inportant than money spent and can get you to one of the top players in the game.

Hope you can get your RL stuff sorted out and come back to the world of AL but we all have to take a step outside from time to time, Know the last few weeks I have had to put AL on a back burner because of RL stuff.

Best of luck.
good luck, might save me a fortune in stims but was a small sacrifice to have you in the game.
Not many of you know this, but Rafal loves cats. And this friday when he came home from the shop with cat food and kitty litter sand, the door was busted open, all the 3 security locks broken to pieces, and his glass door smashed, and all his 12 cats gone.

All that was on the table was a note that he had to pay a ransom to get the cats back. Really sad stuff, so now he has been to the cops, and trying to stick the door back togheter as a temporary solution with duct tape. I really do hope he can find them back so that he can continue to have his mojo.
Raf I hope you find your cats, I can't even imagine what it would be like if my dog was gone.


2 words National Service
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