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Dingus Wrote:You should come back CK! And Divinity is the weakest sauce of all time!...WOOT!

He is just biding time lol


Dingus Wrote:You should come back CK! And Divinity is the weakest sauce of all time!...WOOT!

Divinity is pathetic. Just wait til i get my Knife back.


XxDragonxX Wrote:
Dingus Wrote:You should come back CK! And Divinity is the weakest sauce of all time!...WOOT!

Divinity is pathetic. Just wait til i get my Knife back.

Dont do it man,life is not that bad surly lol
Hello, CK. Did you say something? Or are you coming back from your..How many other times did you retire?


TommiTheTaco Wrote:Hello, CK. Did you say something? Or are you coming back from your..How many other times did you retire?

I've haven't retired once. Have you seen my in that district????? Nope. Behemoth i've come back smarter so just keep it shut.
MOB RetiredCK Userid: 2260 Level: 31
Cosa Nostra

Huh..Smarter? People who commit fraud don't get caught on purpose. <=== I like typos.


TommiTheTaco Wrote:MOB RetiredCK Userid: 2260 Level: 31
Cosa Nostra

Huh..Smarter? People who commit fraud don't get caught.

Been on the funny fags again Behemoth???? You have lost me completely.
Again. I love typos and missing words that should be there.

Here. RetiredCK Something must be wrong if you have that name. Either you're dumber and don't remember going into temporary retirement, or you did retire, know it, just don't want to be made into an idiot.


He doesn't need cigarettes to be funny.


TommiTheTaco Wrote:Here. RetiredCK Something must be wrong if you have that name. Either you're dumber and don't remember going into temporary retirement, or you did retire, know it, just don't want to be made into an idiot.

ha ha! he has got you there RetiredCK! lol! lol
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