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Full Version: Farewell the king of polls
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666666 is a friend i know and i think its best we all get to say goodbye to him. :cry: :cry:
What's the odd of him coming back in less than 7 days?


probability approaches unity


20 will get you one. Razz


i know 666666, he goes 2 my school, he ont come back in 7 days he ill quit otherise he ouldent have give me his gang


he can't really come back in 7 days... he's jailed for nearly 2 years. :-P


1.7791933028919330289193302891933 years to be exact.... =P


someone try and bust him out, imagine the exp gain :shock:


Maybe when I reach level 300... I don't know, but my guess is that I couldn't bust anyone with more than 420 minutes (level times 20 minutes).


The day someone reaches lv 46714... they can bust him Razz

Although I'd estimate a real guess to be between lv 50 and 100... by the time you hit that level, his jailtime will be low enough to bust him.
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