2008.Aug.15, 11:43 AM
2008.Aug.15, 12:07 PM
To bad it was against one of the games top 2 strongest players.
2008.Aug.15, 12:13 PM
Mock8800 Wrote:To bad it was against one of the games top 2 strongest players.
what? u'd call out someone weaker than u, rather than stronger?
2008.Aug.15, 12:47 PM
Quote:what? u'd call out someone weaker than u, rather than stronger?
I'm yet to call anyone out. My superiors make sure of that

2008.Aug.15, 12:48 PM
That sucks you have "superiors". I have enough of those in RL.
2008.Aug.15, 12:51 PM
Nan they all rocks. I would have been hos countless time had it not been for them. I'm truly grateful for all the times they have helped me.
2008.Aug.15, 12:55 PM
anyways.. i was hit online. prolly not for cash but whatever.
victims dont have the right to whine if they dont have stims with them anyways. haha ive been sent to the hosp for over 230 minutes, and i got a lot of large stims on me to stim myself out. i dont mind being hosped, it works to my advantage anyways. gets me off the computer and stretch, lmao
victims dont have the right to whine if they dont have stims with them anyways. haha ive been sent to the hosp for over 230 minutes, and i got a lot of large stims on me to stim myself out. i dont mind being hosped, it works to my advantage anyways. gets me off the computer and stretch, lmao
2008.Aug.15, 02:05 PM
Promathia19 Wrote:anyways.. i was hit online. prolly not for cash but whatever.
victims dont have the right to whine if they dont have stims with them anyways. haha ive been sent to the hosp for over 230 minutes, and i got a lot of large stims on me to stim myself out. i dont mind being hosped, it works to my advantage anyways. gets me off the computer and stretch, lmao
Yeah, but YOU'RE a L30... if you don't have stims (or know about them), you deserve to be stuck in hospital!
What the hell possible reason is there to gank a whole series of L3's?
When I was in the hospital, I saw 3 other L3's and a L20 stuck there for 200+ minutes because of w00k.
I'll say it again.
I don't care HOW hard he thinks he is. He's an arrogant, selfish, lilly-livered coward.
2008.Aug.15, 02:07 PM
BrbImAFK Wrote:lilly-livered coward.
2008.Aug.15, 02:11 PM
grabtindy Wrote:OH NO YOU DIDN'T?!?!
Why not?!
What's the worst he can do? Gank me again?
Who cares... if it happens again, I'll simply find something with a better community to play.
No loss to me