What good are these bravery points? do they serve a function?
Nope, you get absolutely nothing. Not even a tag for working over a year to accumulate 5,000 points.....
Hint Hint

although we should be able to cash in bravery pts for something. a lot of stims, nimbus bars, and jailtime are spent getting these points up. whether it be developement pts, small amount of cash, ANYTHING would be an awesome idea.
i made a suggestion once...some time ago.. :roll:
If CSJ has the time maybe he could search out the thread where you posted your idea...
I haven't earned a bravery point in months. I have beaten guys well above me in level and guys who beat me 9 times out of 10, but I'm just stuck. There was a time where I was regularly raking htem in.
I'd be annoyed, but they are pretty darn pointless.
yea, im the same with grabtindy. mine havent raised one bit even tho ive beaten a lot of ppl more powerful than me since ive raised my stats. i pretty much quit trying to obtain them
Mine've raised a bit..I don't really care for their existence, though. I'm on the top 100, woo, yay, roargiggle.