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Full Version: Does not make sense
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randomjacker Wrote:Wow! you question this? I can tell you how it is possible to have everything in storage in diff districts.. IT's A FRIGGIN GAME...


Nuff said
I think we had a similar topic, but on gang hideout attacking and defending..It's a raw idea, and it would hurt how the game is played.


well if we could only access our storage from one district,,we would also have to buy items off the market at a certain district...the same market cant be every where...same goes for the credit market aswell
Maybe the suitecase uses a 4th dimension space to store our item. This portal can be open from anywhere in our 3 dimension world.


to play devil's is also "impossible" to shoot someone 25 times with a high powered shotgun or whack them with an axe and have them EVERY SINGLE time be at best, "near death"

meaning, yeah. its just a game.

but i see what you're saying.
While we are on the subject ...

Why would a store that stocks medium and large stims not sell small ones too?
Shelf space lol


dude, settle. you're correct, but i can see your blood pressure spiking from over here.

Edit: This message is intended for RJ, anyone else can read it if they wish, but should not assume it was meant for them.
Pages: 1 2
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