I think you will find Dru is telling a few porkie pie's
July 2008 500 17 590 84.7 % $152,443 $258.38 3,765 2,660 8)
JaggerBomb Wrote:July 2008 500 17 590 84.7 % $152,443 $258.38 3,765 2,660 8)
wow how do you make so much?
stealing cars and classics, about 500 of em' :wink:
this is my best month so far
july 2008 532 61 819 65.0 % $57,112 $169.73 3,065 5,525
whats your dex? i have just started stealing luxury cars with a dexterity of 15, so far im 100% today
just got it up to 14 should get it moving a bit faster since i just purchased the mobile home
June 2008 581 23 665 87.4 % $169,709 $255.20 2,951 3,364
I have 18 dex and have trouble stealing classics.
Steal an old clunker 73 0 77 94.8 % $15,651 $203.26 499 0
Steal a car 212 9 247 85.8 % $62,773 $254.14 1,487 1,322
Steal a classic car 149 5 184 81.0 % $65,975 $358.56 1,593 802
Luxury's today 3 for 3
i guess i got good luck

am i doing something wrong? i was doing the math on DIS{ Conan posting cash/attempts getting the avg. the number is wrong