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Pages: 1 2 3
Let's just make this game exactly like TOH Smile


No thanx TOH sucks.


other than the chat box, how is TOH any different?
w00k Wrote:There's a plethora of messenger programs available that your gang can use for communication purposes.

I agree with this. If I'm on the game, I'm on a messenger..Y'all can contact me any time you want, if you have my stuff.


dekarr Wrote:other than the chat box, how is TOH any different?

You have drunk way too much bro lol lol


probably true for an early afternoon, but non the less.
Hmm..A beer sounds good, right about now..


Yea im gonna start in 5....4.....3....2....1.... brb grabbing beer!


i like the new system already , a new one to chat could be to much open to expose would generate quite different look :roll: :shock: 8)


has also brought some whisky to accompany our subject more deeply Razz
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