2008.Aug.01, 08:56 PM
2008.Aug.01, 09:29 PM
I, TOO, was terrified of being noticed by Pestilence and the talk of Pullo threw shivers up my spine.
I can remember being a level 5 and getting wasted by one of those HUGE level 18s with my heart set on one day, just maybe I could be an Epic 499er. Spoonfed by a Phisheva. Hand held by a Wookie. Protection from a Cheetah. :cry:
::queues 'All in the Family' theme song::
It's funny how those days seem like an eternity ago and it was 12 mos. lol Thanks everyone for the help along the way!

::queues 'All in the Family' theme song::
It's funny how those days seem like an eternity ago and it was 12 mos. lol Thanks everyone for the help along the way!

2008.Aug.01, 10:11 PM
I started playing pest had Pullo loki and yoda the three strongest at the time.I got a tip (not a good one)it said look at the POI and ask the top players for tips.I think i asked loki for adiice and he replies Duck!Maybe it was Pullo i asked but I beleave it was Loki maybe he remembers prolly not!!!I to was scared shitless of crossing Pest!
2008.Aug.01, 10:15 PM
Now who cares about Pest?lol only kidding i am drunk and needs sleep
2008.Aug.02, 01:28 AM
We spelt it Villian in the beginning as we had met on a forum we called the Ville, members there where known as Villians
2008.Aug.02, 01:59 AM
k in terms of gangs from what i remember, some of the older members will have to fill in the first gaps
The Elders ruled AL in the early days, a time when Casanova held the power because of his huge donations. Marvel led by ThorOdinson had an empire of gangs and a family structure which hasnt been seen since. Demolition were formed and were largely responsible for the downfall of Marvel. Under the old gang system, Demolition destroyed gang after gang and had unassailable power and points for a long time. Some of the top marvel players formed their own gang and in time merged into demolition rather than fight them. They formed pestilence, a super gang containing the majority of the top players and donators, Chris, Sarge, Pullo, Loki and Yoda. Around this time Supervillains and 499ers where gaining power and respect as gangs, rising to be the 2nd and 3rd gangs in the game. Pestilence would have destroyed all before them if it wasnt for the gang war code change. The new code emboldened the lower gangs and instead of fighting each other they took on pestilence for the first time. Some epic Hospitalisation wars ensued resulting in single gangs being in hospital for days. Borgs were first introduced around this time allowing playes to become even more powerful, the first borgs rose out of the underground one night and attacked downtown decateur, the were defeated but vowed to return one day. Pullo eventually retired much to the relief of some of the community and pestilence began to fall apart. Chris and Sarge retired for a period as the new gang code was seen as neutering the game and they no longer held all the power. Valhalla and dissidence was created out of the ashes and some harsh battles were fought with super villains to be the top dog in AL. Leo disbanded the 499ers and out of those ashes rose the xpats.
The Elders ruled AL in the early days, a time when Casanova held the power because of his huge donations. Marvel led by ThorOdinson had an empire of gangs and a family structure which hasnt been seen since. Demolition were formed and were largely responsible for the downfall of Marvel. Under the old gang system, Demolition destroyed gang after gang and had unassailable power and points for a long time. Some of the top marvel players formed their own gang and in time merged into demolition rather than fight them. They formed pestilence, a super gang containing the majority of the top players and donators, Chris, Sarge, Pullo, Loki and Yoda. Around this time Supervillains and 499ers where gaining power and respect as gangs, rising to be the 2nd and 3rd gangs in the game. Pestilence would have destroyed all before them if it wasnt for the gang war code change. The new code emboldened the lower gangs and instead of fighting each other they took on pestilence for the first time. Some epic Hospitalisation wars ensued resulting in single gangs being in hospital for days. Borgs were first introduced around this time allowing playes to become even more powerful, the first borgs rose out of the underground one night and attacked downtown decateur, the were defeated but vowed to return one day. Pullo eventually retired much to the relief of some of the community and pestilence began to fall apart. Chris and Sarge retired for a period as the new gang code was seen as neutering the game and they no longer held all the power. Valhalla and dissidence was created out of the ashes and some harsh battles were fought with super villains to be the top dog in AL. Leo disbanded the 499ers and out of those ashes rose the xpats.
2008.Aug.02, 02:14 AM
You forgot the part before the elders, when Chris, Sarge, TripsT, beelzebub, LostAngel, SamIam and Casanova was split up into two gangs. Which were Bad muthas and Old Soldiers.
One of the first thing Elders did was to hold a gang war competition, which Bad Muthas won, majorly because Darkenswrath (cts now) dominated everyone. And there was quite a bit of fuss since the Theafers with all their sub gangs stayed out of the fray.
One of the first thing Elders did was to hold a gang war competition, which Bad Muthas won, majorly because Darkenswrath (cts now) dominated everyone. And there was quite a bit of fuss since the Theafers with all their sub gangs stayed out of the fray.
2008.Aug.02, 02:15 AM
Summarized version...
Strongest players join same gang.
Strongest players join same gang.
2008.Aug.02, 02:16 AM
zenith Wrote:Summarized version...
Strongest players join same gang.
And complain about game getting boring, since there is no competition.
2008.Aug.02, 02:21 AM
didnt know the bit before elders, before my time. I joined in the Marvel Era.
nice summary zen, good to the power is spread at the moment, SVs always prospered through activity
nice summary zen, good to the power is spread at the moment, SVs always prospered through activity