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Full Version: Gonna be awhile for the something something
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Everyone's hurting a little more. The price of cats is skyrocketing.
Loki Wrote:From my last talk with w00k it seems like he is quitting or taking a really long vacation from the game. Really long, literally speaking.

Ya know this thread is in really bad taste!

I mean Real things in imaginary places can have a real effect on imaginary characters in real life.

So if you don't mind it would really be nice if you could just cut out the nonsense.

To be totally clear about my feelings on the subject!
I just found this in the Diss forum..

[Image: zs745.jpg]
That sure is a nice picture you have there, Chance.
It's looks like a guy sleeping next to a bear rung more than a dead Wookie.
Looks like wook passed out playing the clarinet again... Isn't that a clarinet in the bottom left-hand corner?


McCule Wrote:Isn't that a clarinet in the bottom left-hand corner?

Close ... No cigar.

It's actually a cybernetic Skin Flute... And from the looks of it, a big black one at that...


I'm guessing thats what killed w00k.




Maybe the same thing will happen to you loki, except you'll be chocking on that black skin flute when it kills you
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