Does anybody see a great benefit as to having high intel? I'm thinking it would be nice if there was intel requirements for certain crimes, and just add them to the current crime system. Have these crimes with much nicer payouts and higher jail times along with more AP.
If this has been mentioned anytime recently I apologize.
Some weapons require a high intel to even use. You not only have to donate to buy the dang weapon, but donate to use it, kinda like the shotty and endo.
Other than that I've not really noticed a huge difference in the high Intel...I don't get better crime pay outs, I don't get better skill points when I study. And you would think it would/should take me less time to learn a subject and test on it with the higher intel. Maybe I'm just not high enough yet. Even at #3 in the game.
Ionized Razor Flail has the potential at lease, the Ionized Whip was the pits. I was hoping passing the rank tests would be easier as well, not the case though. Endurance you see other clear benefits aside from being able to equip the better weapons.
It would be nice if intel required crimes would pay out high enough to recoup what you paid to get the intel.
The biggestl benefit I have seen so far is that you can start the complex's at a fairly low level with a 6-7 intel.. You can really start the crime cash machine running just off of the intel you get from 1 good donation and 2-3 of the classes. After you get the stats for them, other crimes are more efficient, but for the early teens, nothing compares to the payouts.
After that it kinda loses any major effect out side of weapon req's and higher jail busting abilities.
Marlo Wrote:After that it kinda loses any major effect out side of weapon req's and higher jail busting abilities.
LOL my jail busts still sux. I've never been any good at it.
yep... I am just coasting it up via the last few classes I have left to do... Unless something else reveals itself, it is all endurance from here on out.
hunter52070 Wrote:LOL my jail busts still sux. I've never been any good at it.
It may not help with your success percentages, but it does raise your highest potential bust capability.
Soemthing else that Intel should affect is your work points. You should get a bonus when you do your job for doing it smarter, better, faster.
It's still standard for me on the ammount of exp and points I earn. Level 1 about 30 average. As with all job ranks the more you go up the more points in the day you earn.
One of the Intelligent benefit needs to be mention here.
It is the Cap of your Skill Rank. If you have 3 Int, you can NEVER be able to get Rank 4 in your favorite weapon of choice.
If you want a Rank 10 on a weapon, the only way to do it is with 10 Intel.
You will be surprise at how many new player have no idea why they couldn't get Rank 2 or 3 with their skill.