MrHyde Wrote:What about, I remember reading or been told that borgs dont count 100% in every fight like in some they might not kick in, so the fights they kick in your power level is rased alot so less exp and the fights they dont its not.
Have to agree there is alot that is unknowing or a very grey quantity when it comes to borgs thats one of the main reasons why I stuck full human alot of people left me standing but hope over time it balances out plus feel borgs would be worth alot more when stats start getting very high and take a long time to train.
Well if that were the case, it should have said explicit on the borg page that "borgs may or may not work".
Bit sorry I too didn't stay fully human, now that there is more I know about borgs then I did earlier.
I struggle to find any sympathy for players with borgs, sorry Thor, but for all the small side problems you have added to your character an added bonus. You have added extra stat levels instantly, long term its a disadvantage and maybe it hampers your power level, but for a pure human I know that fighting members with borgs is a disadvantage. Trust me its taken nearly a year to catch silversurfer for example, a player my level yet borged through the eyeballs. We were once quite close in power level dru, your borgs helped take you out of my league. Another example is chance, we started at a similar time, he borged i didnt, it meant he could beat players i couldnt and helped him level quicker, he is now 6 levels ahead of me and far stronger. (donating and referrals aside).
Sorry robots but for all your drawbacks the short term advantages are tangible, give it 3 or 4 years on a level playing field and ill start feeling sorry for you.
/end rant
sorry didnt entirely help you dru but we all get massive swings in exp won and gang points earned, its that mystical power lvl at work + the random factor