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Full Version: look out Val, SV and D Energy
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Pages: 1 2
lol...nice we have an enemy


I propose an MSN convo about the SV/Valhalla/Dark Energy merger to combat this predicament we're all in. Apparently Dark Matter is safe. ....for now.
lol :roll:
Boy I'd hate to be in one of those gangs theme guys look scary. Smile


McCule Wrote:I propose an MSN convo about the SV/Valhalla/Dark Energy merger to combat this predicament we're all in. Apparently Dark Matter is safe. ....for now.

It's no use. We're done for now.


they look like a hard bunch :roll:


the pres should keep more money in his pockets.
also.... i heard they are allied with X-Pat. fwiw.
Pages: 1 2
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