Loki Wrote:I miss SpeedyG
I miss Veldrane. The way he acted in Pest for a while atleast.
qwertyuiopl Wrote:I love all you guys, you are the stuff of legend.
I hereby nominate Druchii as the most handsome guy! (this is the right thread right?)
I took some artistic liberties.
I vote the this dude as the biggest dumass in the universe
I have this weird feeling. I just can't decide on whether or not should be insulted by that one.
(ps: Typos in the insult doesn't reflect good on you.)
Didn't Dumass write The Count of Monte Cristo?
Maybe it was a compliment on your mod'ing...
Why thank you, and you are absolutely correct, Alexandre Dumas was a fantastic writer and that should be a really good compliment to me.
Nice grasping.

Druchii Wrote:Me me me, me me me me me, Me Me me me me me me me me me me me me to me.
mudpies Wrote:Druchii Wrote:*Saying something clever, witty and mildly charming*
God man, you really are fantastic! I love you!
Thanks, but I don't bat for that team.