biffbaffboff Wrote:Why not just exclude him from the pantheon 
now that hurt my fellings :cry: , oh i almost forgot i do not have no feelings so crry on :roll:
I would be more at ease with another way of setting that pantheon up.
At the moment, looking at the best hits in pantheon reminds me of going to the _boring_ neighbors who _always_ insists on showing every picture of everything their kid has ever done.
What I think would suffice is a setup like this:
Rank Name Biggest Critical Strike Avg Damage on last 10 Critical strikes
Would be nice to know where you had other players other then Shadowguard, but kudos to him for where he is at atm in the game.
Cool, I just noticed that it shows top 100, has it always done that?
thatthingufear Wrote:Cool, I just noticed that it shows top 100, has it always done that?
id like to see top 50 people on the fightlogger