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Full Version: Err got the boot
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if the NPC's could be codes so they randomly attack people within a certain power level...... that would be really cool.


how would it be cool mudpies explain
zenith Wrote:You wouldn't be the first person to kick my butt. Back in 2006 I was tricked lol.

Are you trying to say something Zen? :roll: lol


Stay on topic please.


you heard bren STAY on topic set a example chief Biggrin .


ShadowKid Wrote:how would it be cool mudpies explain

Things get a bit cozy and laid back sometimes. To have a NPC randomly Leaving people would add just a bit of paranoia and urgency to actions.

Maybe just short 13 minute hospital stays, but a nice exp return if you overpower him.

It's a cool idea when you've JSAB.


i like that cool they should do random hosp or zerks as well
didnt cass do something naughty?
They should also travel distrects to do this.


zenith Wrote:
andyscho Wrote:I dont see you in the Pantheon Zen? Wink

Pantheon only shows players, not staff Smile

I tried hitting him without skills and it was maxed out at 335. With skills my average was 335. Now if only he'd wear some armor lol.

-=No Need=-

That's a great hit I guess Chance is gonna have to get workin to get the tago of first player to hit 2000.
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