Who have above 4 at skills???
Batman Wrote:Who have above 4 at skills???
me for one and i know of at least 20 other players working on rank 6 in the skill they have chosen
shadowinc Wrote:anything above 4 i would get at least a A to take the test
I took the test to level 5 military skill on a C, and passed on the first attempt.

I wanted to take the level 5 skill test at C but the option to take the test is not there,and was not there yesterday.
Druchii Wrote:shadowinc Wrote:anything above 4 i would get at least a A to take the test
I took the test to level 5 military skill on a C, and passed on the first attempt. 
lucky you, i seem to have failed that test like 3 times , now i feel bad, :roll:
Even though it says C, you cant take the test unless your % is above 75%. Rounding seems to count for the 'grade' but not for your ability to take the test. 74.6% will say C, but you can't actually take the test. I ran into that myself awhile back.
biffbaffboff Wrote:perhaps its based on Intelligence.Mine is pretty low.
Zen said that the only stats that influences skills is work experience(your rank can't be bigger than you w exp lvl)
anything else is luck
I think it's that it can't exceed you INT, not work exp.
Pretty sure that's right as my skill lvl is already above my Work exp.
Zen said that about work exp
mabe she canged that :?::?: :oops:
I highly doubt work exp matters in skills since i have a work exp of 2 and ii have a skill rank of 4