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I thought Val members were against moaning when getting hosped well in one of the threads on Gen topic your seen moaning hypocrites

We never moan.

Now take it back or I'll start spamming your mail and make a complaint against you :wink:


Im already on a warning due to a naughty word but i get a warning this time for this but still i get no warning for other thing.

but im all honesty some of the val members were moaning when Cheetah hosped them.


But it made no sense. I would not have been happy either. :shock:


There's a fine line between getting hosped for running our mouths or fir retaliation and getting hosped for no legit reason. Even moreso, there's a fine line between being tick hunted and hosping a gang on incorrect premonitions.

This line was crossed. If course we are going to be pissed. It's completely can't expect to enjoy playing the game if someone is putting you in the hospital for no good reason.

Hence the words on the forum.

God I hate having to use my phone to post here.


Delpot is on a phone hehe good news

Pixey i was for ever hosped i admit i moaned but only after it went on and on but i just let it be now no point in moaning

Marlo i know i moaned about your tick hunting but that was annoying but like i said hit away since im done doing skills.


Quote:LOL at ush being our leader. Far from it. You obviously have no clue
how we work...He didn't join us to run the show. He makes zero executive decissions and for the most part keeps quiet. He rarely even mass mails the gang and isn't nearly as active as a lot of us. But I tell you one thing, I love having him around and respect the helll outta him

I remember being in Val.

I remember twice Ush would say "let's take down SV!" So he declared on SV, and then he went offline while we got slaughtered and hosp'd, lmao.

So he'd start hosping them, and when they started retaliating in larger force, he went offline for several hours as soon as it started :shock:


I respect ush because he is a old school player but he is still a door knob.


His role is different now though. Since that tenure he has left and come back. This time around he really has taken a back seat.


He has appeared to have changed from what I can see. Definitely seems to look out for the better interest of his members a little more.

not sure if this is off-topic with a thread named "wow"
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