$2,273,050 spent on my trainer for the month September.
I think he makes more than I do!!!
Ushanewnewba Wrote:$2,273,050 spent on my trainer for the month September.
I think he makes more than I do!!!
WTF ush!!!!!! lol
Please help me

how many trainers are there and how much do they vary?
7 Trainers. Special arnold and zone trainers. They VARY mucho!
well, i can only get the $10 one, what ones are above it and what reputation u need?
+1 trainer for every level of reputation. There is a cap I think it is 10 trainers, that information is over one year old I do believe.
whats the name of the trainer you use i got 3 trainers now that i got 1 rep
Novice 5$
Experienced 10$
Advanced 20$
professional $30
experienced pro $40