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Full Version: I can't find the recycle bin to view these recycled posts...
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cheetah Wrote:
Ushanewnewba Wrote:No.
Lots of "No" s going around lately I hear.

A No is just a Yes without consent Wink


Careful people you might get a "forum Warning".
ShadowKid Wrote:Careful people you might get a "forum Warning".

Sometimes I wonder if you are trying to make an ironic statement, or that you simply believe this to be true.

Nevertheless, the reason why I remove threads to a section only moderators can view, is that they often cause people to try and make spin off threads to further instigate other people. And when those spin off threads get locked without moved, they cause the well placed modzi threads. And the circle inevitably ends on someone going to far over the line and getting either a 3 day ban or something longer.

Most of us knows how this works, so we just move the threads somewhere where they won't cause more trouble then they already have, so that people doesn't do something they will regret.

Most of the time the ruckus just starts because someone is either not sober or in a crappy mood when posting and just wants to pick a fight.
You mean people play this game not sober :shock:


Dru i always post sensible stuff lol
Do you ever mod not sober? If so, then maybe your judgement is impaired.
PhisheVA Wrote:Do you ever mod not sober? If so, then maybe your judgement is impaired.

Actually I modded one day drunk, and Zenith told me to go lay down Biggrin

Didn't edit any posts, but I was plain rude on at least 3 occasions.
I'd mod drunk every day, if I was a mod. 8)
TommiTheTaco Wrote:I'd mod drunk every day, if I was a mod. 8)

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