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i really dont understand why anyone wouldnt do the skills. i have seen a lot of difference. its a great way of keeping your happiness full
I've seen my max dmg increase from 50 to 60. I know my stats have increased, etc. But it has to come into play somehow. *hoping lol
If you are not training skills, you are wrong.
if you are telling me what to do in a game . . . DON'T.

my character my way!
Your character, your EPIC FAIL Smile

You are the one seeing how others feel, you have received the input. If you don't want peoples opinions don't ask.
Ushanewnewba Wrote:Your character, your EPIC FAIL Smile

Why do you have to be so mean, Ush..? Sad You make me wanna cwy..You..Meanie!
[Image: upl3781919689.jpg]
A good way to stick to a weapon style, imo.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:
Ushanewnewba Wrote:Your character, your EPIC FAIL Smile

Why do you have to be so mean, Ush..? Sad You make me wanna cwy..You..Meanie!

Tough love. It will benefit you greatly to knock some of these skills out. Honesty, there is no good reason to delay your stat training.
Heh. I'm workin' on #3 in long-blade. =D
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