lag,lag,lag or is it nag,nag,nag? :shock:
the jail page loads slower for me, and the Total jail minutes saved in PoI and the mail page...
and there might be othe pages, but i don't remember right now
its moved onto the forums for me
My mailbox, gang page and Jailhouse are all loading terribly.
I am using the newest firefox Err...
That's odd, it seems fine right now. I'll check the logs.
Absolutely perfect here, 0.1second load time on page.
Marlo is our resident lag specialist. He knows when something isn't right almost immediately.
The last month our load time average on the home page is 0.47 seconds. Today it's 0.91 seconds, but that's not the issue. It seems to load fast for multiple pages and then POW you are hit with a long-loading page.
Looking into it.
Seems to be back on track. Gracias.