biffbaffboff Wrote:JaySin Wrote:What is the most damage done to date with the Ares Battle Cestus
i just hit for 650.........
average crit is 570.....
Must be discussed further due to the importance of it being in the gen discussion section.All those who want to massage his balls please post
see i can joke with tommi but u biff are just plain annoying. i am not seeking attention i am seeking actual information on high crits witht he weapon i am now using.
Mods put this in game Assist or w/e but keep biff out of it cuz its getting old.
I was on topic until Nancy got her panties in a bunch.
I think that's pretty good for the Cestus. It never did anything for me, so I wouldn't know what the top is.
i guess thats an acceptable response.......

It bested my Troll Claymore. =D It must be doing something right,
awesome. im not really looking to show off tho guys. i am really just wondering wat crits the actual Cestus users have seen so i know if i should look forward to getting better hits after i raise the skills a few levels and raise my strength up a bit.
Your doing well.Pat pat

As everyone knows, not everyone populates the forums. I'd suggest going to some gangs and asking some of their members(Some that might trust you) if they have a long-term Cestus user that might be willing to share some information with you.
I personally don't know of anyone using it.
i just started using and im guessing your str is a some few lvls above mine bro...the highest ive gotten is a 452 but that was my first crit and no skills...but to what i know from a friend it will hit in the high 800s obviously with skills and more str