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Full Version: Loki kills The Horvath
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Yeah, full health. (NPC's regenerate to full every 5 min.)

He's giving me 550 exp.
Ummmmmm, hate to break this to people but someone already claimed title of first person to beat him

Also same person got title of first person to get "Completely Destroyed" by The Horvath
Eaglefreak Wrote:Ummmmmm, hate to break this to people but someone already claimed title of first person to beat him

Also same person got title of first person to get "Completely Destroyed" by The Horvath

Ummmmmm, last week called, lol. That's why I made sure to put "Leave Option" in my original post.
how much exp did he get for the zerk?
Apparently, everyone had a big ole fuss about it not saying 'Berserk Option' whenever Ush smacked The Horvath around..I guess Zenith took that into consideration.
as i said nice work...big accomplishment....time for a bigger boss
Yeah. Another challenge for Loki to amaze us with. Maybe some rich dude obsessed with technology and breaking spirits in the level 50 area.
and some new weapons & armor Smile
g2o2d4wp Wrote:and some new weapons & armor Smile

Maybe whenever Loki beats him, the dude lets level 50 players into his stash house to buy some of the crap he's been collecting. That'd be slick.
well lets see the log and exactly how this throw-down played out. Smile
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