I accidentally clicked on the "click here to use 88 credits to regain your energy" button it didn't confirm it, it just stole my credits and gave me my energy which i didn't want.. do people use this link a lot for convienience or would it be okay for clumsy people like me to have a are you sure you want to use 88 credits to refil your energy page. Thanks
It didn't steal your credits. You clicked it, and it did what it's intended to do, take them credits in turn fill your energy.
ya we do use it alot.... but i have actually clicked it once by mistake... its a very handy lil gizmo... lol :roll:
btw: If u dont have any creds it doesnt offer to exchange them for u :wink:
Haha, exchanging them would be at a very different rate.
I think maybe the "SendIitem" needs to be changed for a "Are you sure you want to send ... to ...?"
actually the "do u realize u r NOT putting This on the item market" would be handy if u click the sell button by mistake
Howlsong Wrote:actually the "do u realize u r NOT putting This on the item market" would be handy if u click the sell button by mistake
Haha, I take it as you've done that before.
...I've done that before and felt incredibly dumb :oops:
Howlsong Wrote:actually the "do u realize u r NOT putting This on the item market" would be handy if u click the sell button by mistake
I totally second this suggestion

I know that sometimes verifications can be a pain in the rear but I think in cases like like sending items, money, and selling items There should be some sort of verification. Some players dont have the stats or time to make 50k a day from crimes and as such their money/item could be a huge deal for them.
I know in most cases of mistakes the community is willing to give items/money back to the sender but still a verification would help eliminate those mistakes.
perhaps even add the tab send items on a user profile.
ya well if i had been hurting for money i could have asked zen to return the item but, zen time is valuable and really to me it wasnt worth it... Now if it had been something rare thats a totally diff story.