Convert bravery points into Reputation points, but the conversion rate should be higher than that the careers offer.
I believe this would make people train harder to obtain bravery points, get their reputation up, without quiting their current career!
p.s. If you want to defeat stronger opponents, you must train train train train hard, but you have to donate too
and others that are not on the PoI could see their bravery score too!
i like it!!!!

Fine Idea, make them worthwhile.
would be nice to know when you earn one too. ie. you gained 342 experience and 1 bravery point.
andyscho Wrote:Fine Idea, make them worthwhile.
would be nice to know when you earn one too. ie. you gained 342 experience and 1 bravery point.
so far this has been hidden from us for awhile, maybe with a reason.
A Bravery Point house, just like the Donator House, where we can spend the points we have.
I'm guessing that there is a correlation between bravery and gang points battle.
Much like the best PVP hit, bravery points is just a list over the PVP abilities you have and how many chances you take.
Topping that list just shows you got guts when picking targets.
I for one, absolutely love this idea!!!
Druchii Wrote:Topping that list just shows you got guts when picking targets.
Wrong!! Last time I checked I was still giving brave points to Rafal (might have changed in the las t 2-3 weeks) who has been stronger than me for a loooooong time!!.
Bravery only shows those who chose to train only 2 stats and leave the other 2 lower than average. I chose to keep em all fairly high and the result is that there is about only 2-3 players with a higher power rating than me even if much more can beat me and soon that number will double and I will become the best brave points farm in the history of AL.
I'm against the idea that people could boost their rep on the back of a poor old decrepit borg...
hydro9226 Wrote:Druchii Wrote:Topping that list just shows you got guts when picking targets.
Wrong!! Last time I checked I was still giving brave points to Rafal (might have changed in the las t 2-3 weeks) who has been stronger than me for a loooooong time!!.
Bravery only shows those who chose to train only 2 stats and leave the other 2 lower than average. I chose to keep em all fairly high and the result is that there is about only 2-3 players with a higher power rating than me even if much more can beat me and soon that number will double and I will become the best brave points farm in the history of AL.
I'm against the idea that people could boost their rep on the back of a poor old decrepit borg...
Wrong. It's your 20 borgs that factor in that raise your power lvl so much higher than others, it's not that people chose to train only 2 stats and leave the other 2 lower than average.
FWIW, I like the idea for obvious reasons but am against it as a whole.
Do you mean that 20 borg levels are worth more than 20 natural levels?
What I meant is that I chose a different way to build my character than just having for example, lvl 55 ACC and DEX and lvl 25-30 STR and RES and it's killing my power rating. But if I had put all my 20 borgs in ACC, then that would make me much much more dangerous.
I made a choice back then and I assume it now, I just don't always like the results...