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sounds like favoritism to me


PhisheVA Wrote:admin is not supposed to meddle in game affairs either but that happened.
Why? Since when? Why do they exist then?

Quote:Mudpies was in touch with Zen about how he was playing the game and she said that it was fine. This was about 1 week ago. She had no problem with it and today for some reason she did.
Already spoke my mind about Mud

Quote:Playajam (philswin) was under no probationary period or warning from any admin. He did 3 hospitizations today and got fed'd. I guess this makes perfect sense.
I'm also curious on this 1

Quote:I remember when the old Pestilence ran wild on me for over 2 weeks time and I complained about it to Zen. She said, the game polices itself back then and said to work it out for myself. I guess those days are gone.
I don't remember, who were you, what did you do and mainly, did you send nasty mails to Pullo at the time?
My screen name was my forum name. SpeedyG, Loki, and pullo and a cast of others hit me then. I took it for 2 weeks. SpeedyG tried to get me to send money to their baby gang (decimation I think) and when I told him no, he told me I'd relent after spending time in the ER. 2 weeks worth.

He kept sending me mail, that the price was going up with every day delayed. He did this with a # of players.


I have to agree
if players are getting all worked up over being hosp'd
just take away the option altogether
never have i played a game
where ppl bitch and moan over a few random attacks
it is a game of crime and war
shit happens get over it
DirkDanja Wrote:I have to agree
if players are getting all worked up over being hosp'd
just take away the option altogether
never have i played a game
where ppl female doggy and moan over a few random attacks
it is a game of crime and war
drek happens get over it

Don't take the option away! don't change the option! this would be friggin stupid... we are talking about people playing for no other reason than to hosp. not the game mechanics...

removing this option would greatly detract from the game.... whats next? attacking all together? why don't we just remove all hitting and replace it with competitive bowling...


randomjacker Wrote:why don't we just remove all hitting and replace it with competitive bowling...
Nah, I quit bowling this fall after 22 seasons...
Don't take the option away. Open your eyes and use your heads, folks. You know there's more to other people getting banned than just 'they hospitalized someone.' Hospitalizations go down all the time. Some people decided to be stuck on stupid when they use the option, however. Doesn't mean the option shouldn't be as condemned as the idiots that use it the wrong way.
Thor Wrote:
Quote:Playajam (philswin) was under no probationary period or warning from any admin. He did 3 hospitizations today and got fed'd. I guess this makes perfect sense.
I'm also curious on this 1

So am I. Never seen Playa in trouble b4.
Howlsong Wrote:
Thor Wrote:
Quote:Playajam (philswin) was under no probationary period or warning from any admin. He did 3 hospitizations today and got fed'd. I guess this makes perfect sense.
I'm also curious on this 1

So am I. Never seen Playa in trouble b4.

3rd that


Would any of these guys get banned had Loki and w00k been around?
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