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g2o2d4wp Wrote:couldn't Raf simply wait until Dec. 2 to hit level 60 or one day after the date you guys bet on?

actually thought about starting a pool for about 6mil+ and just having raffy wait til then to level. Split the money right down the middle. lol He's confident he can get it in 3 months at the most though. Kinda shot me down. :cry:
he will make a killing selling items the faster he gets there


badmanbren Wrote:Raf will be at 60 some time in the next 2 months. Not the rest of the year. IMO Biggrin

my point exactly,
Alright, F it, I'll take the bet.


Niiiice. This bet may need an official thread. w00k, you pretty much got own'd in the negotiations.
if money is trivial to u, can i have some? Smile
1:06 pm You received $1 from Uraharasan.

I'm RICH!!


Loki...time for you to power level. Raf might be doing something sneaky with Urharasan, so if you can somehow manage to get to 60 before December and Raf's taking the'll end up making a whole lote more on items IMO. Twisted
all wook has to do is pay raf one mill to help him get there faster and then win the bet and collect the 1 mill and win


lol pun is gonna give them some ideas.
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