DOrigin Wrote:I know this has been mentioned before, but for the most part, AL has turned into a donator's game. Donators can simply buy their stats and become unstoppable while non-donators have to do it the hard way.
Donation will assist you a bit in training. It's not a magic powder to give you #1 player in AL within a few days.
Believe it or not, a lot of big player here play 16+ hours a day for over 5 months period of time. If you do that, the money you make, would be easily used to buy CR to make up the difference.
I am highest donator in game, I am proof that activity trumps all

it would be pretty sweet if we could see top donators in the poi, i see see if i'm getting up to the top 50 yet. not too likely but you never know.
Shotokan Wrote:it would be pretty sweet if we could see top donators in the poi, i see see if i'm getting up to the top 50 yet. not too likely but you never know.
im sure i would be in the top 50

.Would be nice to know for sure though!
Personally i dont want to be reminded of how much i have given...i do love the game and all but seeing that figure might give me a tia or even be the big one.
Id like to know just so i could feel unwel for the week and not go to work.Use the time to play AL :roll: and maximize my investment
I'd rather not know where i am... :?
if you donate 40k and play 4 times a day I'm sure you could keep up with just about anyone. that's a billion dollars in the game.
You use the credits on happyness and energy refreshes. You wouldn't keep up at all if you weren't on to use them.
See Rafal for proof it can be done without spending more than $5