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Also, if a player left the gang while that OC is being prepare, the chances for the OC success rate will drop.

My guess is..
Once that particular player left the gang, all the activities they have done for that particular OC are gone.

Be aware


thanks everyone. night train its seems logic what you are saying. Smile Do you think that it individually so if one member is on for 8 hours another for 5 etc, it gets added up and there is some kind of sucess hours for certain crimes. or more like 3 member crime needs 3 members online for a certain amount of time? sorry for slighlty hi jacking this post :?
From what I could tell It's based on how long your members are on from the point it starts to the point it ends. Thus if you have started Rob a small bank you need some x number of minutes for it to succeed. So if you have a 10 man gang and everyone gets on every now and then you'll fail. If you have a 9 man gang and everyone is always on then you'll succeed. So if you have more members it's easier for you to get x number of minutes, but it's all speculation.


I have had one instance where i picked a 9 man crime and had 11 memebers. 5 of us left the gang the next day to help others out and came back that night and still was a success. It really amazed me that it happeend as I have always wondered this .

also I have been under the impression that once you pick a OC that many peopel are randomly selected from your gang and it is depending upon their actions if u make it or not and these members that do not do enough are the ones caught? thats another question itself.
It has been my assumption that if you need ten members to complete the crime then if you have an average of ten members online and active on average from the time the crime starts to when it's finished you will have success. (20 members online for 12 hours and none online the other 12 hours will average 10 members onilne for that 24hr period). Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Wink
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