What if there were alternate ways of accumulating gang points outside of War & OC's. There have been many idea's posed for alternate gang activities and if they were to award a gang with GP's there would be alternate path's for gang to take to up their hideout and street rep.
On of the ideas that always piqued my interest was gang drug manufacturing. A multi day, multi player event that would yield money/GP's depending on the effectiveness of the player activity. This would allow gangs the ability to gain GP's, & upgrade their hideout, all the while adding a new and fresh dynamic to the game.
It would also alleviate the stress now found between major warring gangs and the non-warring, seemingly "stagnant" gang's.
i like the idea, def helps out the smaller gangs.
Not bad of an idea.
Can this be done while the gang War at the same time? If it can, then it wouldn't make much of a different from the Gang Point structure set up.
Yeah, maybe Zen could add some weak NPC gangs and we can also do some gun running for them or maybe we can start a small casino or something?
ZeonOne Wrote:Not bad of an idea.
Can this be done while the gang War at the same time? If it can, then it wouldn't make much of a different from the Gang Point structure set up.
I would say that it would have to, great idea Marlo.
i think that there needs to be another way to gain gang points also.
not nearly as much as warring 24/7 and but more than OCs. not sure what or how to do it because a lot of good ideas IMO have been shot down, but i like what marlos got going.
But it couldn't be AS beneficial as warring either. Several gangs have worked very hard to get where they are now to have it compromised.

I agree. Here is a quick example.
High Grade Grow House
5 day operation
15 members active
Payout = +/- 275 GP's & +/- $125,000
There are multiple actions that must be taken in order to fully benefit from this crime, and all actions must be delegated to certain players, as too much soil and not enough seed will not give you your optimum yield.
Therefore, 3 people must gather soil, 3 gather seeds, 3 for planting, 3 for the tender care of the budding beauties, and3 to watch the hideout. All actions must be performed 'x' amount of times per day and each action can only be performed by the originally designated member.
Depending on the precision of all members involved, your payout is according.
not to get ahead of ourselves but say what marlo said was put into the game, then how cool would it be if there was now TWO options of warring, your regular PVP wars, or a hideout mug?
it would be just like regular wars but if you happen to declare on a gang in a certain process of the manufacturing and win, you would "mug" the gang of some of their crop and cash?
hahah sounds like fun to me
Mugging NO.. and for the planeed out operations, that will only benfient about four gangs that ahve 15 active members, If this were to work, it would have to be made for all levels of gangs. But i like the idea.