mudpies Wrote:if you use firefox, just click the "?" button and start typing away
All right, then my suggestion was completely pointless and a waste of time. Oh well, I tried.

Thanks for helping me out and telling me how to search faster.
Hawkens don't get to hurt. Lots of ideas are brought up. They just can't jump when you get a good idea. Forums have alot of angry people today. Relax. Breathe. It'll be alright.

we dont need one thier the poi and the gang list just seacrh for the gang thier
drec92 Wrote:we dont need one thier the poi and the gang list just seacrh for the gang thier
Yeah but most gangs that lower levels might get into aren't in the POI, so therefore it'd be easy enough to just have a search system(now suddenlt CTRL+F) to help them get to the gang they're wanting.