I was thinking adult film star. The career could help your endurance rating some, while making your dexterity increase as well. What you guys think.
Would you risk hospitalisation from a random STD though?
They contain that stuff, so you know. Quarantine people with diseases and have them work with others with that same disease.

It sucks, but your favorite porn stars are safe from extra stuff to deal with.
That could be an added risk/reward, dare to risk your health by sleeping with std infected partners for the reward of boosting your endurance 1 per career point. The std's could last a month or two in real time as well
arent STDs a life-time thing?
yea but for games sake. you get put in the hospital for a few hours or a whole day if you catch a disease. I think adult film star fits really well within the spirit of the game
ehh.. a whole day in the hospital? i'd stay with athletics with my crappy pay than risk game time
I'd rather have what's going on in Chicoleet's avatar happen than get crotch rot.