fun, cant beat a good argument, now dont disrespect mud
Mud can eat my toe nails.
andyscho Wrote:fun, cant beat a good argument, now dont disrespect mud
"One is in trouble, disgraced, or discredited, as in If they find out I broke it, my name will be mud, or If his estimate is completely wrong, his name will be mud. A popular theory for this expression's origin derives it from Dr. Samuel Mudd, the physician who was convicted as conspirator after he set the broken ankle of President Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth. But the expression was first recorded in 1823, when mud was slang for a stupid person or fool, a usage dating from the early 1700s. Later the term mud simply alluded to discredit. "
arguing on the internet is like being in the special olympics,even if you win your still retarded....
ah but is it as retarded as calling players of much higher power level retarded? Think on that one from your online hospital bed.
no i dont...if im going to be hosped for a post on the forums,then so be it..if im supposed to be scared or something cause your double my not.if i get hosped,it would just be another day in random was just some random post of a comment i read awhile back.i thought it was funny.i guess tom was right you do have no sense of humor,if your taking it offensively