2008.Jul.24, 05:29 PM
could anyone help me i did not do anything rong nd this guys named Yoite [8958]
hospitalized me 2 times nd one of them was while i was online. nd he is sayin that he did it because it is fun nd cause this other is in my gang nd he did somthin rong so i have to pay for wat he did nd i dont even know anything about my gang member. so if anyone could help me out with this please dont be a stranger.
hospitalized me 2 times nd one of them was while i was online. nd he is sayin that he did it because it is fun nd cause this other is in my gang nd he did somthin rong so i have to pay for wat he did nd i dont even know anything about my gang member. so if anyone could help me out with this please dont be a stranger.